Gift & Taruzake

北海道産酒造好適米を全量に使い40%まで磨いて仕込んだ、ほのかな甘みと吟醸香が特徴の純米大吟醸。 口当たりはおだやかで、華やかな吟醸香が口に広がり、濃淳ながらキレの良い綺麗な味わいのお酒です。 北海道が白銀の世界になる幾月かのあいだに醸したこの「雪美月(ゆきみづき)」には、雪輪文様に月の 満ち欠けを表現した紋を入れました。贈答品としてもお使いいただける六角柱の化粧箱入りです。
- Recipi:
- Junmai Daiginjoshu
- Rice polishing ratio:
- 40%
- Alcohol:
- 16度
- Flavor:
- Slightly sweet
- Price
- 720ml 4,180円

4.5 liter oversized bottle popular as a celebration gift. Inside sake is "NAMA KIMOTOSHU" which is one of the brands of Otokoyama.
- Recipi:
- Special Junmaishu
- Rice polishing ratio:
- 60%
- Alcohol:
- 15°
- Flavor:
- Dry
- Price
- 4.5L ¥10,868

A rich and elegant Daiginjoshu sharpened based on traditional techniques. We sell it as a winter gift item.
- Recipi:
- Daiginjoshu
- Rice polishing ratio:
- 50%
- Alcohol:
- 15°
- Flavor:
- Slightly dry
- Price
- 1.8L ¥5,500
KOMODARU(for Kagami-biraki)

A barrel for doing a "Kagamibiraki" to be held at a wedding reception, celebration party, ceremony etc. (Komodaru). Any sake can be handled by any brand. Please contact us for details.
- Recipi:
- -
- Rice polishing ratio:
- -
- Alcohol:
- -
- Flavor:
- -
- Price
- 72L barrel、36L barrel、18L barrel Price varies depending on size, brand name.
KOMODARU(small size)

Mini sized barrel (Komodaru). The inside is a glass container and the sake inside is "JOSEN" of the manly staple product. For it is also possible to decorate after drinking, it is a popular item as a souvenir and your home.
- Recipi:
- Ordinary sake
- Rice polishing ratio:
- 60%
- Alcohol:
- 15°
- Flavor:
- Slightly sweet
- Price
- 300ml ¥3,300

- Recipi:
- -
- Rice polishing ratio:
- -
- Alcohol:
- -
- Flavor:
- -
- Price
- 1.8L ¥5,500

A promise of marriage (Yuino) wedding ceremony etc. used for gifts for worshipers (Tsunodoru).It can be used for birth, opening, new construction, 60th birthday, etc. Inside sake is "NAMA KIMOTOSHU" which is one of the brands of Mt.* One piece of water drawing, decorative plug, sake sauce, sweet mouth is attached.* Square barrels and sake bottles are made of plastic. The sake is contained in a glass container.
- Recipi:
- Special Junmaishu
- Rice polishing ratio:
- 60%
- Alcohol:
- 15°
- Flavor:
- Dry
- Price
- 1.8L ¥13,200
About orders for order-made production
We will get it by phone or email.
- phone number:
- 0166-48-1931(Weekdays 8:30 ~ 17:30)
- Email:
- Mail formPlease inquire from.